Friday, August 13, 2010

The Least Common Denominator

How do you find a moral? I mean with flippant little phrases like "the moral of the story is..." it should be easy, right? Let's just see if that is the case.

For example; we, and by we I mean the United States of America, were forever changed as a nation when the Twin Towers were flown into by Islamic terrorists on September 11th, 2001. At the time, when in response to the horrific terrorist acts of the day President George W. Bush spoke to the nation and the world and let us know these people and those actions would not go unpunished he was received with some of the highest popularity percentages ever. Then, when the response became a war and the war dragged on with a roller coastered element of success, suddenly President Bush was in a firestorm of trouble and being lambasted as one of the worst Presidents our country has ever seen. You tell me, what is the moral here?

Now, nearly nine years later Barack Obama has endorsed a Muslim group to build a mosque which evidently includes a great many additional features that truth be told, I don't give a rat's ass about. He, and by he I mean Barry Obama, has indeed endorsed this mosque under the umbrella of good old fashioned American Values and added we as a people must not lose focus of all religious beliefs. I find myself shaking my head from left to right as I type these words, invariably in disbelief. Alas, do not let my opinion shed light or shade on how you interpret the facts. And to be certain, Barry Obama endorses this mosque to be built in the publicly available for sale area in New York City just blocks from Ground Zero, as you most certainly know, where the Twin Towers once proudly stood prior to their being unbelievably and with unparalled levels of shock and dismay imploded by Islamic terrorists. All this being endorsed by a President who was elected with one of the highest levels of popularity of all time. So again I ask you, what is the moral here?

Let me bring the question back a level or two. You love beans. You know this, but you also know beans corrupt your stomach and create a fouled sense of smell for you and others about and around you. Yet, saddled with this knowledge, you choose to purge forward without the assistance of any digestive elixirs. You could easily enjoy your beans and musically refresh the olfactory passages of all your known and unknown neighbors posthence, but instead you choose to throw caution to the wind...literally. What here, my friends, is the moral?

Make good choices. Think. Laugh a lot. Don't scream at people. If you find someone to love, love them.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Citizen's Arrest

So here's something for ya from the Cheap Seats...the litterer, the kids that cross the street wherever they feel like it, the person that gets in the express line at the grocery store with a full cart, the unprepared moviegoer who neither knows what movie they want to see nor has their money ready when it is time to pay. These, and many more offenses, that deserve an immediate citizen's arrest.

First and foremost: people that so totally and completely unnecessarily litter our world. The cigarette smoker may be the worst. They unwrap their new pack and flippantly toss the cellophane onto the street. Or their cigarette butt anywhere. I mean, c'mon. Pollute your body all you want. You then are automatically polluting all those about you with second hand smoke. Let's go ahead and not pollute the earth unnecessarily with trash. I know this is a tall order, but try and find a trashcan.

Secondly; the young, old and indifferent aged punks who seem to think it is ok to cross any street, path or otherwise wherever they feel like it. And, to add significant rude behavior to prospective infinite injury, they slowly stay in the way then look at you as though you are in the wrong. This is frustrating, unnecessary, a product of significantly bad parenting and overall problematic. Granted, applying additional pressure to the pedal furthest to the right in your car would feel liberating, this is in all likelihood not the best plan.

People, in their own miniscule way, take advantage of the elements in whatever way they can. It's sad though. Rather than making positive differences with minimal efforts each day, the masses prefer to further create distractions, issues and nonsense.

Even little things...if you see a number that says 10 or 15 and you are standing in line at a grocery store, assume that number refers to the maximum number of items you are allowed to purchase in that line. The "oh my gosh, I had no idea" reaction has been worn out for years. And here's an idea; when going to the movies, know what movie you want to see, have your money ready and pay. Hemming and hawing at the box office window is a worn out effort. People do not get to the movies with hours to spare, the design by the showtimes is to get there about 15 minutes prior to your movie. So please, make the little additional effort it takes.

The moral is this: we need to police ourselves a lot better. Although I often want to stop and pull people over, sadly it is probably very unsafe and hugely prohibitive. Live your life, but do so in conjunction with the other few billion people that inhabit our planet. Salmon have the market on swimming against the current. How about the rest of us make small efforts to create a much happier environment for us all to live?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Here I Sit...

Sniffing each others butts. Going to the bathroom where ever you want. Cleaning yourself with your tongue. Being so stress free you can fall asleep at the blink of an eye whenever you want. The life of a dog.

Granted; in all fairness, chances are not all of the above sound appealing. But, there are many elements to these characteristics that would make the world a much better place to live.

I have never known a dog to wake up mad. And I have certainly never known one to go to bed upset. I'm pretty certain I've never come across a dog that has held a grudge and every pup I have ever encountered has generally been happy to see me.

Not once have I come across a dog that thought one of their meals had been prepared incorrectly. They are happy drinking water all day everyday. The simplest gesture such as a pat on the head or a rub of their belly makes them ridiculously happy and a tennis ball provides unrivaled entertainment.

Contrarily, people are a dramatically different animal. Life gets in our way. We forget what is important like our family and friends. We forget to appreciate the most insignificant things like waking up next to the one you love. We get so upset over the silliest things. Certainly we have responsibilities which dogs do not, but focus on this: it's a lot more relaxing to be happy than to be mad. Life is far more pleasant sharing a simple wave with a stranger than staring at the ground as you pass. Enjoying and appreciating the food and gifts you have, indifferent of how simple or lavish they may be. Imagine: if we keep these controllables in perspective, how much more perspective, time and energy we'd have to dedicate to life's lemons.

Have a great day. Go wag your tail. And pet the next dog you see...